
Saturday, 1 March 2014

Being a Teacher is My Dream

it's me
jiahahaa,,, want a laugh by loudly when I read the title above.
why should I dream becoming a teacher ??? even I just a housekeeper.
and I finished school just up to junior high school !!!
also I have no experience to be a teacher.
i have no ability to be a teacher.
all it is just a dream, dream and dream.
but I'm wonder why just now I have dream like that.
previously I never ever dreaming to become a teacher.

even to become a teacher must meet the requirements that I never had it all.
this is a bit of some of the requirements to become a teacher.
# have talent,,, it should be.
# educated people,,, it certainly.
# have patience,,, it should not be missed.
and I don't have all of these the requirements.
oh yeah that I have probably just patience he he he
even though I was not able to realize my dream, but at least I feel happy with my dream.
so I will keep up always my dream and with the hope I will realize my dream in the future.
I know it is very small of likely to realize my dream and even it is impossible.
but I would like to always dream, because of my dream it will increase my passion.

In this world,,, everyone have a dreams, and no one punish us because of our dreams.
no one blame us because of our dreams.
we all have freedom to dreaming.
therefore I didn't want losing my dream.
I didn't want missing my opportunity to dreaming.
may here is just a little bit wrong of my dream,
because in fact I not be able to realize my dream.
hmmm but i loves my dream,,, I likes my dream,,,
i will always keep up my dream until whenever the dream want to stay in me.
until my dream bored with me, until the dream left me.


  1. mudahan-mudahan impiannya menjadi guru kesampaian mbak
    karena profesi guru masih sangat dibutuhkan

    1. hehee aamiin,,, tapi itu sepertinya hanyalah mimpi karena saya bukanlah orang yang berpendidikan
      trims yua doanya aamiin aamiin aamiin yaa robb...

  2. sangat setuju sekali teman, kita semua orang memiliki impian , dan dengan impian juga bisa menbjadi kenyataan
    semoga kesuksesan tettap bersama anda dan impian ini akan terwujud
    salam sukses selalu

    1. terima kasih yang sebanyak-banyaknya saya ucapkan mas.
      dan doanya aamiin yaa robb semoga semuanya berjalan seperti yang mas doakan dan saya harapkan.
      tentunya dengan kekuasaan ALLAH

  3. Dimana kemauan pasti ada jalan, percaya deh*SambilMainMata

    1. kok malah mata yang dimainin,,, main kepala saja lebih manteb geleng kanan kiri..
      hrhee yaa dech percaya

  4. He he heee yeah mas begitulah..

  5. Sungguh mulia cita-citanya... Semoga menjadi guru yang dirindu ummat


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