
Monday 3 March 2014

Sudden Chest Pain

it's me
hello all friends I don't know why last night my chest suddenly pain and heat.
around 22:30 when I was busy chatting in whatsapp app with my best friend
without ever I suspect my chest suddenly feel pain and heat.
then i'm ran to the bathroom, I tried to spit up the taste was not good in my mouth.
but my chest increased pain and heat.
really i'm feel confused, fear, because here i'm alone.
no one stay here with me, i don't know what should I do.
then I decide to take a cup of water for I drink
because I think after I drink a water then the pain and heat will reduced from my chest.

But I can't drink all of a cup of water, I can just drink a little of a cup of water.
I don't know why is my mouth very hard to gulp of water.
maybe because my chest too sick and heat, or there is other causes.
after I drink a bit of water then suddenly always spit out from my mouth.
pain and heat doesn't go away from my chest.
I still the pain!!! sick,,, really very sick!!! heat,,, really very heat.
previously I never felt pain like this.

I couldn't bear the pain that is so sick.
then I lay my body on the floor while rolling around withstand pain.
I don't know what should I do,,,???
I could just surrender and pray to ALLAH hopefully the pain soon disappeared from my chest.
I can't do anything except pray to ALLAH because here I'm alone,,, only ALLAh that I have.
after nearly 25 minutes the pain in my chest slightly reduced.
Alhamdulillah,,, alhamdulillah,,, alhamdulillah,,,
Then I get up from the floor and washing my face.
I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, to look for something that could wash my mouth that still feels not comfortable.
then I took the kiwi fruit to wash my mouth, after that I felt more comfortable!!! Alhamdulillah.
but until now,,, sometimes still my chest pain


  1. Tapi sudah ke dokterkan mbak?? semoga lekas sembuh yah mbak Muya,,,

    1. Belom ke dokter kang dan memang nggak ada rencana ke dokter..
      Trims kang atas doanya aamiin

  2. Sepertinya harus menggunakan google translate dulu nih heheheee

    1. Sudah di sediakan kok google translatenya

  3. seem to have to consult with your doctor first, bos......

    1. Yeah bro,,, seems like that
      But alhamduliah now i'm more comfortable than before

  4. Syafakallah by IQROZEN ~ Bacaan Ummat

  5. Coba periksakan ke dokter. Semoga gak apa-apa, ya :)

  6. mbak muya ayo semangat ngeblog lagi, kangen sama mbak muya nih :)

  7. I hope you found out the cause of your illness and you get better!!


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