
Monday, 3 March 2014

Sudden Chest Pain

it's me
hello all friends I don't know why last night my chest suddenly pain and heat.
around 22:30 when I was busy chatting in whatsapp app with my best friend
without ever I suspect my chest suddenly feel pain and heat.
then i'm ran to the bathroom, I tried to spit up the taste was not good in my mouth.
but my chest increased pain and heat.
really i'm feel confused, fear, because here i'm alone.
no one stay here with me, i don't know what should I do.
then I decide to take a cup of water for I drink
because I think after I drink a water then the pain and heat will reduced from my chest.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Being a Teacher is My Dream

it's me
jiahahaa,,, want a laugh by loudly when I read the title above.
why should I dream becoming a teacher ??? even I just a housekeeper.
and I finished school just up to junior high school !!!
also I have no experience to be a teacher.
i have no ability to be a teacher.
all it is just a dream, dream and dream.
but I'm wonder why just now I have dream like that.
previously I never ever dreaming to become a teacher.